Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Inspirational Improvisations

Today was a day that reminded me of the power that we have to affect the lives of others for the better. We, yes, we can exercise this power in ways we may never intend, or even contemplate. Like jazz musicians effortlessly creating sonic beauty in the intensity of the moment, we too can compose our own inspirational improvisations. Where can the score be found? What faded sheet music under some dusty piano will give us the tune? The word itself stems from the Latin, inspirare, meaning "to blow into." So, I guess it can be said that when we inspire others for the better, we are in a sense investing them with a breath of a special kind. CO2 of a special strain. Compassion squared. Which reminds of something a friend said to me a while back, "Oxygen is the best drug." Lots of truth in that. I guess that's why I never forgot it. The poet Robert Hunter sought inspiration when he penned:
Let my inspiration flow in token rhyme, suggesting rhythm,
That will not forsake you, till my tale is told and done.

And we can provide it... we just have to remember to breathe. Until our tale is told, of course.

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