Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Take the Time to Smell the Coffee

Just this past Sunday, Michele and I enjoyed a nice breakfast with my in-laws to celebrate Father's Day. Food always has a nice habit of bringing people together; after all, it has worked for centuries. That's what I call wisdom. The day before, I eagerly went to Starbuck's to pick up a new pound of coffee. On the way, my thoughts traversed three continents in the span of about 10 minutes. Would I choose beans from the dense, parrot laden regions of South America, the hot, open plains of Africa, or the reaches of far flung Asia? While perusing the racks, I was asked if I needed help. Help! Hmmph! I was a bold explorer on a mission, a veritable Dr. Livingstone in the bowels of the steaming Congo. I settled on a pound of Guatemala Antigua. It seemed exotic yet practical, although I was told by a young female barrister that I looked like a Cafe Verona type of guy. For the next few hours I was eager to brew that first pot whose aromas I envisioned would transport me to an undiscovered Mayan temple buried in thick, green jungle. My in-laws arrived Sunday morning, and quickly told me that they looked forward to having my coffee (side note- they knew nothing of my purchase- they just happen to like my coffee-I guess we all have some kind of talent). When Michele went on to explain my feelings of excitement and anticipation over yesterday's purchase, we all had a warm chuckle, and I said, "It's all about the small things in life." My father-in-law quickly agreed. So, take the time to smell the coffee... and don't forget about the roses either.

1 comment:

Copperleaf GC Maintenance said...

Very insightful Matt.

For those of us that work outdoors, or those of us that appreciate being outdoors, please take the time to smell the grass also.

Golf Course Superintendent (Grass Cutter)